Selecting the Right Drone for Your Construction Business

Selecting the Right Drone for Your Construction Business

Douglas Spotted Eagle and Brady Reisch headed into the field to collect aerial construction data over fourteen weeks with three different drones.  Their goal was to determine which drone was best for the construction job site.

They used three popular aircraft for the comparisons and the results were pretty surprising.   

Drones Compared:

Unmanned Aircraft (UA/Drones) have rapidly become a significant component of the modern construction industry workflow whether it’s for progress reporting, site planning, BIM, inventory control, safety awareness, structure inspection, topo’s, or other purposes. Site supervisors, architects, and stakeholders all benefit from the rapid output of accurate 2D/Ortho, or 3D models that may be used for purposes ranging from simple visualizations, progress reporting, stockpile calculations, DSM, contours, to more complex overlaying blue-prints in the As-Designed/As-Built or BIM process.

Choosing the right aerial asset/UA may be challenging, particularly as the marketing of many UA is focused on RTK built in (rarely accurate) PPK solutions and a many component workflow versus others that are single-step workflows. Decisions on aircraft choices will be made based on budget, accuracy requirements, speed to result, and overall reporting requirements.

On any site flown for BIM, input to AutoDesk or similar tools, having accurate ground control points (GCP) is required. GCP’s may be obtained from the site surveyor, county plat, or other official sources, and this is often the best method assuming that the ground control points may be identified via UA flight-captured images. Site supervisors may also capture their own points using common survey tools. Devices such as the DTResearch 301 RTK tablet may be used to augment accuracy, combining GPC location points from the air and on the ground. Failing these methods, site supervisors can capture their own points based on the specific needs of the site. These points may be calculated via traditional rover/base RTK systems, or using PPK, RTK, or PPP solutions, again being budget and time dependent. If centimeter (vs decimeter) accuracy is required, RTK or PPK are necessary.

Putting accuracy aside, image quality is gaining importance as stakeholders have become accustomed to photo-grade ortho or models. Oftentimes, these models are used to share growth with inspectors as well, which means having presentation-grade images may be critical. Image quality is high priority when generating pre-development topos, or simply illustrating a tract of land from all directions. In other words, a high-quality imaging sensor (camera) is a necessity. Some aircraft allow user-choice cameras, while many UA manufacturers are creating cameras specific to their aircraft design.

Turning to aircraft, we chose three popular aircraft for the comparisons:

Flying the site several times in various conditions, the same RTK capture points are used in all three mapping projects. The DTResearch 301 RTK system is used to capture GCP on-location, with Hoodman GCP kit as the on-ground GCP. The Hoodman SkyRuler system was also captured as a scale-constraint checkpoint.

This commercial site is small in size (1.64 acres), and one we were able to begin capturing prior to forms being laid, all the way to vertical installation.

Accuracy varied greatly with each aircraft system, particularly in elevation calculations. Deviations are from projected points vs the GCP points obtained through a surveyor’s RTK system.
Overall (and to our surprise), the Autel EVO was most accurate with a deviation of:

  • x-5.112ft
  • y-47.827ft
  • z-16.541ft 

The Yuneec H520/E90 combo was not far behind with a deviation of:

  • X-10.323ft
  • y-44.225ft
  • z-92.788ft

Finally, the DJI Phantom 4 presented deviations of:

  • x-1.95ft
  • y-45.565ft
  • z-140.626ft 

All of these deviations are calculated and compensated for in Pix4DMapper, which is used to assemble all of these week-to-week projects.
As 3D modelling was part of the comparison/goal, obliques were flown in addition to nadir captures. While manual settings are often essential for high quality maps and models, in the following images cameras were all set to automatic exposure, shutter, ISO.

It is important to remember that these are NOT corrected via network nor base station. This is autonomous flight, localized in Pix4D.


AUTEL EVO (Original version)

All aircraft models work well with Pix4DMapper, although at the time of this writing, Pix4D has not created lens profiles for the Autel EVO (they have indicated this feature should be available “soon”). We custom-sized the lens profile ourselves, based on information provided by Autel’s product managers. *as of 2.1.22, Pix4D has generated lens profiles for both Autel EVO and EVO II aircraft.



Although image quality is subjective, our client and our team all agree the Autel EVO provides the best image quality and color of all aircraft, with all aircraft set to automatic exposure, shutters peed, and ISO of 100. This is a surprise, given the Autel is a ½.3 imager, vs the 1” rolling shutter of Yuneec and global shutter of the DJI aircraft. Based on internet forums, Autel is very well known for their camera parameters being impressive.

All flights are single-battery flights. This is important, as changing batteries offers different functions for the various aircraft. Using Yuneec and DJI products and their respective software applications, we are able to fly larger sites with proper battery management with the aircraft returning to launch point when a battery is depleted and resume a mission where it left off once a fresh/charged battery is inserted. The Autel mission planner currently does not support multi-battery missions (although we’re told it will soon do so).

There are a few aspects to this workflow that are appreciated and some that are not. For example, when flying Autel and Yuneec products, we’re able to act as responsible pilots operating under our area wide Class B authorization provided by the FAA. To fly the DJI Phantom, the aircraft requires a DJI-provided unlock that permits flights. It’s a small annoyance, yet if one shows up on a jobsite not anticipating an unlock, it can be tedious. In some instances, we are just on the edge and outside controlled airspace, yet DJI’s extremely conservative system still requires an unlock. Most times, the unlock is very fast; other times, it doesn’t happen at all.

All three aircraft are reasonably fast to deploy, and this is important when a LAANC request for a zero-altitude grid is a short window. Autel clearly wins the prize for rapid deployment, with the EVO taking approximately 30 seconds to launch from case-open to in-the-air. Mission planning may be managed prior to flight and uploaded once the UA has left the ground. We are experiencing much the same with the latest release of the EVO II 1” camera as well. We also appreciated the lack of drift and angle in relatively high winds (26mph+).

DJI is next fastest at approximately three minutes, (assuming propellers remain attached in the case), while the mission planning aspect is a bit slower than the Autel system. DJI uploads the mission to the aircraft prior to launch. Of course, this is assuming we’ve already achieved an approval from DJI to fly in the restricted airspace, on top of the FAA blanket approval. If we don’t, we may find (and have found) ourselves unable to fly once on-site, due to glitches or slow response from DJI.

Yuneec is the slowest to deploy, given six props that must be detached for transport. Powering the ST16 Controller, attaching props, and waiting for GPS lock often requires up to five minutes. The mission planning tool (DataPilot) is significantly more robust than DJI’s GSPro, third party Litchi or other planning apps, and is far more robust than Autel Explorer’s mission planner. DataPilot also essentially ensures the mission will fly correctly, as it auto-sets the camera angle for different types of flight, reducing the margin for pilot error. The Yuneec H520 is superior in high winds, holding accurate position in reasonably high winds nearing 30mph.

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All three aircraft turn out very usable models. All aircraft capture very usable, high-quality images. All of the aircraft are, within reason, accurate to ground points prior to being tied to GCP.

We were surprised to find we prefer the Autel EVO and are now completing this project after having acquired an Autel EVO II Pro with a 1” camera and 6K video.


Foremost, the Autel EVO family offered the most accurate positioning compared to the other aircraft in the many, many missions flown over this site. With dozens of comparison datasets, the Autel also offered the fastest deployment, and ability to fly well in high winds when necessary. The cost of the Autel EVO and EVO II Pro make this an exceptionally accessible tool and entirely reliable. That the Autel EVO requires no authorization from an overseas company, particularly in areas where we already have authorizations from the FAA, is significant to us, and the image quality is superior to either of the other aircraft.

We also greatly appreciate the small size of the aircraft, as it takes little space in our work truck, and our clients appreciate that we’re not invasive when working residential areas for them. The aircraft isn’t nearly as noisy as other aircraft, resulting in fewer people paying attention to the UA on the jobsite. The bright orange color, coupled with our FoxFury D3060 light kit (used even in daylight) assists in being able to see the aircraft quite easily, even when up against a white sky or dark building background.

We also of course, appreciate the speed in deployment. With safety checks, LAANC authorizations, planning a mission, and powering on remote and aircraft, the Autel EVO is deployable in under two minutes. When flying in G airspace, from case to airborne can be accomplished in under 30 seconds.

Battery life on the EVO 1 is substantial at 25 minutes, while our newly acquired EVO II Pro offers 40 minutes of flight time with incredible images to feed into Pix4D or other post-flight analytics software.

Of greatest importance, the EVO provides the most accurate XYZ location in-flight compared to the other aircraft. For those not using GPS systems such as the DTResearch 301 that we’re using on this project, accuracy is critical, and being able to ensure clean capture with accurate metadata is the key to successful mapping for input to Autocad applications.

WHERE TO LEARN MORE: (UA, mission planning) (RTK Tablet with hyper-accurate antenna system) (UA, mission planning) (Lighting system for visualization) (GCP, LaunchPad, SkyRuler) (Post-flight mapping/modelling software) (training for mapping, Pix4D, public safety forensic capture) (UA, mission planning)

With thanks to AutelHoodmanDTResearch, and Pix4D.

Six ways drones have proven themselves as a tool for the AEC, Surveying, and mapping industries.

Drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC scanning and construction

Six ways drones have proven themselves as a tool for the AEC, Surveying, and mapping industries

Drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC scanning and construction process are becoming more common.  Unmanned aircraft, or drones are becoming much more common on today’s project sites. many companies in the AEC, Surveying and mapping industries are utilizing these aircraft daily. So how do drones capture data? What are professionals getting out of said data? What makes a drone into a valuable tool versus a toy?

UAS technology has advanced to a point where the aircraft; while still very sophisticated, are quite simple to operate. They utilize; altimeter’s, magnetometers, inertial measurement units, GNSS (GPS) and radio transmitters to control the flight operations, but the end-user would never know it. These sensors and more are all managed behind the scenes so well that an operator can takeoff from any point, fly a “mission” which involves several tasks collecting data, avoid collisions from unexpected obstacles, know when they have just enough battery to return home safely and land all in a constantly changing environment, 100% autonomously starting from a single tap for initiation. Flying a drone is fun but unless you’re collecting data it brings no value. There are many sensors that can be attached to unmanned aircraft such as LiDAR and Gravitometers but in this article we are primarily going to address cameras and their use in Photogrammetry.


When you photograph an object from two different angles and add some Trigonometry, three dimensional measurements can be calculated.  The entire process is simple and automated.  A 3D model from aerial imagery is nothing new. Photogrammetry can be summarized as; the art, science and technology of making precise measurements from photos, and has been around since the mid 1800’s.

The whole process works like this: The distance (f) from a Camera Lens to its sensor is proportional to the distance (h) from said camera lens to objects being photographed. This property is written into several equations that photogrammetrists use to calculate things such as the scale of a photo and even the elevation of specific points or pixels in aerial photographs.

When two overlapping photographs are in correct orientation relative to each other, a Stereopair or Stereoscopic Imagery exists.  This imagery creates perspective on objects within the overlap of the photographs and is the principle behind all forms of 3D viewing.

Stereoscopic Imagery drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC scanning and construction

As mentioned above, drone users can pre-program routes to fly over their intended mapping area. Photos are taken with specific overlap which is computed based on altitude, speed, and the resolution of their camera sensor. Drones use the onboard sensors like GNSS or even real time corrected positioning (RTK) to both georeference the photos taken, control the flight of the by changing the RPM’s of the individual motors. This data is all carried over in the image files where they are further processed.

Today’s Photogrammetry softwares use these mathematical principles to orient, scale and combine photographs and data. The software will ultimately generate Point Clouds, Orthorectified (measurable) photos and 3D models with varying output types.

Project Output drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC scanning and construction

Drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC and Construction:  Valuable Applications for AEC, Surveying, and mapping.

Surveying and Mapping. The use of drones and unmanned vehicles in surveying and mapping is almost self-evident. Surveyors and Cartographers have used Aerial Photography dating back about as far as the invention of the airplane. What may not be immediately apparent are the costs to purchase a survey-quality UAS and required software is a small investment in comparison to traditions surveying equipment and the man hours saved easily pays for itself.   Point Clouds and Orthometric photos are great for drafting planimetric features and generating TIN surfaces to represent topography. Whether you’re mapping for design data, a feasibility study, GIS, or performing an ALTA/ACSM survey, using unmanned vehicle to capture data may be significantly more efficient than traditional means.

Reality Capture, which is just that; capturing the reality of the current conditions of a project site. This is a great practice for design, bidding, marketing and simply helping clients “capture the vision.” This may be as simple as viewing an oblique photograph or as complicated as combining a designed structure with a 3D mesh and viewing it in VR. I personally get a kick whenever I see a IFC model inserted in a point cloud.

Building Information modeling (BIM). It would be hard to mention reality capture without mentioning BIM. While flying a drone indoors is doable its not very practical so this is not what we are referring to here. Many companies today, especially in the design-build world are utilizing BIM for much more than building modeling. They are integrating models in all their civil design as well.  These departments are already using laser scanning and are familiar with point clouds so adding a UAS into their tool chest is a natural move. Drones are great for capturing data that can be used for clash detection, QC, and as-built drawings.

Pre-Construction and Takeoffs are a major part of heavy civil construction. When it comes to moving dirt, knowing exactly what must be done can make all the difference in winning a bid, making a profit or losing your shorts. This is done when companies are bidding on projects, but the same process occurs over often in design builds and any time a RFI or change order comes up. Capturing data to that represent the existing site condition is key when building a model and matching existing roadway and other civil tie-in points. Using a drone is a great way to make this happen.

Project Output2 drones and unmanned aircraft in AEC scanning and construction

Project Management. Unmanned Aircraft may be utilized for many processes in project management. Creating progress reports and viewing current conditions may be the most basic use and might just be the most beneficial when it comes to decision making. Billing on some projects is solely based on materials moved and/or installed. This makes tracking linear feet, area, and volumes the bottom line. Some other overlooked uses may include, creating safety plans and incident reports, public involvement, and training. There are also various other project management uses above.

Inspections. Drones are one of the best tools utilized in inspections. Often an environment is not safe for a person such as inspecting a high wall in an open pit mine; or the situation may not be as efficient for an individual such as climbing versus flying to inspect bolts on a suspension bridge. When we apply the use of Infrared /thermals sensors to unmanned aircraft they are capably much more. Infrared light is absorbed by water making it possible to discover moisture that may be invisible to the naked eye. This is great for leak detection among other things. Thermal makes it possible to view and analyze heat signatures. This is often used to find areas of heat loss in anything from mechanical to thermal applications.

One of the biggest challenges today’s companies in the AEC, Surveying and Mapping industry face is a shortage of manpower. The only way to overcome a shortage in manpower is to innovate. Many choosing to innovate are looking to drone to solve their problems. Two trends I’ve noticed in helping companies develop their UAS applications is that they may start with a particular expectation in mind and one drone, but they always utilize their UAS data more than they anticipated and want to expand their drone fleet. I believe UAS technology is one of the best investments for a company in these industries to make. It is very apparent to me that Unmanned Aircraft are a major focus in developing technology. They are a powerful tool and not a toy.

By Bryan Worthen Kuker-Ranken SLC


Kuker-Ranken has been in business for nearly 100 years; Customer Service is our top priority, whether precision instruments, unmanned aircraft/drones, or construction support supplies.
Call us today for pricing on drones, training, and service! (800) 454-1310

Microdrone Payload mdLiDAR1000LR aaS

Microdrone Payload mdLiDAR1000LR aaS*

*Drone not included


mdLiDAR1000LR: means longer range. You’ll cover more ground from above. This translates to more efficiency than ever – the survey equipment, software, workflow, training and support that you need to be productive in the field.


  • LiDAR Sensor: Velodyne PUCK VLP-32
  • Camera Sensor: Camera Sensor: Microdrones CMOS APS-C 26MP (23.5mm x 15.6mm)
  • Georeferencing: APX-15 UAV

System Accuracy

  • LiDAR Pointcloud
    • 4 cm RMSE
  • Photogrammetry:
    • Horizontal: 2 – 3 pixels
    • Vertical: 3 – 5 pixels

Information / Quote Request

A white and blue Microdrone Payload mdLiDAR1000HR aaS on a white background.

Microdrone Payload mdLiDAR1000HR aaS

Microdrone Payload mdLiDAR1000HR aaS*

*Drone not included


mdLiDAR1000HR: HR means high resolution pointclouds and increased coverage is made easier and more accessible than ever. This is the UAV, hardware, software, workflow, training and support that surveying professionals need.

Fully Integrated High Resolution LiDAR & Camera
A lightweight, downward oriented LiDAR solution that efficiently scans up to a 90 degree field of view.


  • LiDAR Sensor: Velodyne PUCK VLP-16
  • Camera Sensor: SONY IMX264
  • Georeferencing: APX-15 UAV

System Accuracy

  • LiDAR Pointcloud
    • 4 cm RMSE
  • Photogrammetry:
    • Horizontal: 1 – 2 pixels
    • Vertical: 3 – 4 pixels

Information / Quote Request

Leica Scanstation P50 Laser Scanner

Leica ScanStation P50 – Long Range 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner

Maximise productivity by scanning inaccessible places at a safe position on site, reducing time in the field with less setups. 

For industry professionals looking to scan inaccessible places and find new business opportunities, Leica ScanStation P50 is the fastest and safest, long range 3D laser scanner. Unlike any other laser scanner, the P50 solution maximises productivity by scanning inaccessible places at a safe position on site, reducing time in the field with less setups.

As part of the Leica Geosystems 3D Reality Capture solution, the Cyclone FIELD 360 app links the 3D data acquisition in the field with the ScanStation P50 laser scanner and final data registration in the office with Cyclone REGISTER 360. One-site, users can now automatically capture, register and examine scan and image data.

The right choice

Whether you need a detailed as-built representation of a façade, a 2D floor plan, 3D data for integration into Building Information Modelling (BIM), capturing 3D geometry of roads, rails, tunnels and bridges or high-definition scan data for topographic maps and as-built surveys, you know you’ll need an accurate long range scanning tool for your projects – the ScanStation P30/P40 laser scanners from Leica Geosystems are the right choice, because every detail matters.

High performance

The extremely durable new Leica ScanStation P50 performs even under the toughest environmental conditions, such as under extreme temperatures ranging from -20°C to + 50°C and complies with the IP54 rating for dust and water resistance.

Scan inaccessible places

The Leica ScanStation P50 delivers highest quality 3D data and HDR imaging at an extremely fast scan rate of 1 mio points per second at ranges of > 1 km. Unsurpassed range and angular accuracy paired with low range noise and survey-grade dual-axis compensation form the foundation for highly detailed 3D colour point clouds mapped in realistic clarity.

Complete scanning solution

Leica Geosystems offers the new Leica ScanStation P50 as an integrated part of a complete scanning solution including hardware, software, service, training and support. 3D laser scanner data can be processed in the industry’s leading 3D point cloud software suite, which consists of Leica Cyclone stand-alone software, Leica JetStream, Leica CloudWorx plug-in tools for CAD systems and the cost-free Leica TruView.

Leica ScanStation P50 delivers:

  • Highest quality 3D data and HDR imaging
  • Extremely high-speed scan rate of 1 mio points per second
  • Ranges of up to 1 kilometre
  • Low range noise
  • Survey-grade dual-axis compensation

In the Box:

  • 1 x 867984 ScanStation P50
  • 1 x 843956 Calibration Cert. “Silver”, TLS P-Series
  • 4 x 793975 GEB242 Battery int. Li-Ion 14.8V/5.8Ah
  • 1 x 766567 GEV228, data cable for Laser Scanner
  • 1 x 769625 ScanStation C10/P20 transport container
  • 1 x 777970 GDF323 Tribrach PRO w/o opt. Plummet blk
  • 1 x 772829 GHM008, Scanner height meter
  • 1 x 722045 GHT196 Distance holder for height meter
  • 1 x 829115 P50/40/30 System USB Stick
  • 1 x 827778 Leica ScanStation P50/P40/30 QG,en
  • 1 x 938024 Leica Cycl FIELD 360 – Pxx Info sheet
  • 1 x 955235 Cyclone FIELD 360 Quick Plan Shipment FL
  • 1 x 1432 PowerSupply Configuration
  • 1 x 6009442 1 yr ScanStation P50/P40/P30 CCP Basic
  • 1 x 799185 GKL311 single Charger Prof 3000
  • 1 x 733272 GEV192-1 AC/DC-Adapter for GKL112/311 US

*Items may vary based on model

Leica Scanstation P50
A yellow Schonstedt GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator with a black handle on a white background.

Schonstedt GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator

Schonstedt GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator

Audio + Visual Output for Greater Accuracy and it’s backed by a 7-year warranty

The Schonstedt level of sensitivity allows you to find what you’re looking for quickly, without the risk of passing over your target.

Schonstedt’s underground magnetic locators have been setting the standards for reliability and dependability for over 50 years. They are designed to withstand the rigors of daily on-site usage and a wide range of environmental conditions.


The GA-72Cd Locator detects the magnetic field of iron and steel objects. It provides audio detection signals that peak in frequency when the locator’s tip is held directly over the target. The GA-72Cd has the option of nulling or peaking.


  • Audio & Visual Output
  • Battery & Sensitivity Indicators
  • Choice of Two Audio Modes: Peak or Null response
  • 4 Levels of Sensitivity
  • Most Popular for UXO and Demining Applications
  • 3-digit LCD readout
  • Signal Strength and Polarity Indications
  • No response to aluminum, brass, or copper
  • HeliFlux® sensors
  • Modular construction; high performance components
  • 7-year warranty

The GA-72Cd-ML is designed specifically for military use.


Surveying & Mapping  |  Construction & Excavation  |   Gas & Oil Pipelines

Unexploded Ordnance Detection  |   Roads & Transportation   |  Water & Sewer


        • Switch at “A” Signal increases or decreases in volume with gradient-field intensity
        • Switch at “B” Signal increases or decreases in frequency with gradient-field intensity.
  • VIDEO OUTPUT Digital readout and expanding bar graphs indicate polarity (+ or-) and relative strength of the magnetic field.
  • INPUT POWER Supplied by two 9V batteries
  • BATTERY LIFE 40 Hours (intermittent usage)
  • BATTERY CHECK 4-segment LCD BATT indicator
  • OUTPUT Approximately 40 Hz audio tone on speaker.  Tone frequency increases or decreases with gradient-field intensity.
  • WEIGHT Approximately 2.5 lb (1.14 kg)
  • OPERATING TEMP -13° to 140°F (-25° to 60°C)
  • OVERALL LENGTH 34.5″ (87.6 cm)
  • WATERPROOF LENGTH 21″ (53.3 cm)
  • NOMINAL SENSOR SPACING 14″ (35.6 cm)
  • CONSTRUCTION Rugged, all solid state, polycarbonate & ABS casing

*All GA-72Cds are shipped from the factory with the Audio Output Switch set to “B”. This provides an audio signal that is always present. If you prefer not to hear a signal until the locator is within detection range of a target, set the switch to “A”.


  • 1x Schonstedt GA-72cD Magnetic Locator
  • Two 9V Batteries (in unit)




  • Headset (p/n: h30006)


Schonstedt GA-92XTd Brochure

Schonstedt GA-92XTd Magnetic Locator

Schonstedt GA-92XTd Magnetic Locator

Retractable, Portable Locator and it’s backed by a 7-year warranty

Portable & Easy-to-Use

  • Extends for great accuracy; retracts for easy carrying and storage
  • Fingertip control of volume and sensitivity
  • Quick change battery compartment

One hand operation makes finding faster, providing both audio and visual indication of ferrous objects up to 16 feet underground. So go ahead, make your move to the Schonstedt GA-92XTd.

You’re a highly trained, experienced professional but carrying heavy tools is still part of the job. When you have your hands full on the job site, carry the XTd on your hip. With one hand, you can detect the magnetic fields of all ferromagnetic objects property markers, manholes, septic tanks, well casings, valve boxes, cast iron pipes, steel drums, unexploded ordnance up to sixteen feet below the surface.

You’re a highly trained, experienced professional but carrying heavy tools is still part of the job. When you have your hands full on the job site, carry the XTd on your hip. With one hand, you can detect the magnetic fields of all ferromagnetic objects property markers, manholes, septic tanks, well casings, valve boxes, cast iron pipes, steel drums, unexploded ordnance up to sixteen feet below the surface.


  • Most portable
  • Smallest for easy storage
  • Membrane Switch for Single-Handed Operation
  • Battery Replacement in grip (does not expose electronics)
  • Audio & Visual Output
  • Battery & Sensitivity Indicators
  • Signal Strength and Polarity Indications
  • No response to aluminum, brass, or copper
  • HeliFlux® sensors
  • Modular construction; high performance components
  • 7-year warranty


  • GAIN 4-Level LCD – Low (L), Medium (M), High (H), Extra High (XH)
  • VOLUME 3 Levels: Muted, Medium and Maximum
  • INPUT POWER One 9V Battery
  • BATTERY LIFE 24 Hours (intermittent use)
  • OPERATING TEMP -13° F to 140° F (-25° C to 60° C)
        • Open – 26” (66 cm)
        • Closed – 15.5” (39 cm)
  • WEIGHT Approximately 2.4 lb (1.1 kg)


  • 1x Schonstedt GA-92XTd Magnetic Locator
  • 1x Holster  (p/n: PC10012)
  • One 9V Battery (in unit)


  • Headset (p/n: XT40000)




A yellow Schonstedt GA-52Cx Magnetic Locator with a black handle on a white background.

Schonstedt GA-52Cx Magnetic Locator

Schonstedt GA-52Cx Magnetic Locator

So rugged and dependable it’s backed by a 7-year warranty

The GA-52Cx Locator detects the magnetic field of iron and steel objects, with unmatched sensitivity. Designed for one-hand operations, the On/Off-Sensitivity and Volume controls are located on the underside of the cover. This provides easy access, protects the knobs and contributes to their overall ruggedness and dependability.


  • High Sensitivity with 5 Levels
  • Audio Output
  • No response to aluminum, brass, or copper
  • HeliFlux® sensors
  • Modular construction; high performance components
  • 7-year warranty


  • INPUT POWER    Supplied by two 9V batteries
  • BATTERY LIFE    40 hours (intermittent usage)
  • OUTPUT    Approximately 40 Hz idle tone in speaker. Tone frequency increases (or decreases) with gradient-field intensity.
  • WEIGHT    Approximately 2.5 lb (1.13 kg)
  • OPERATING TEMP    -13° to 140°F (-25° to 60°C)
  • OVERALL LENGTH    42.5″ (107.4 cm)
  • WATERPROOF LENGTH    34.5″ (87.6 cm)
  • NOMINAL SENSOR SPACING    20″ (50.8 cm)
  • CONSTRUCTION    Rugged, modular all solid state in aluminum casing


  • 1x Schonstedt GA-52Cx Magnetic Locator
  • Padded Carrying Case (p/n: 206038)
  • Tw0 9V Batteries (in unit)


  • Headset (p/n: H30006)




subsurface aml pro

Subsurface Instruments AML PRO™ Series Locator

Subsurface Instruments AML PRO™ SeriesLocator

Find Buried PVC/PE Pipes Using GPS & Advanced Digital Patented Technology.

The AML PRO™ is a scientific instrument that utilizes ultra-high radio frequencies to find differences in densities. This offers the best method for locating PVC & PE pipes and nearly any other object that has an edge.


  • New Microprocessor Intelligence
  • Patented Radio Wave Technology
  • Lightweight Construction (2.5 lbs.)
  • Noise Isolating Headphones
  • Rechargeable Lithium Battery
  • Customizable User Preferences
  • USB Powered Port

  • Durable ABS Housing
  • Backlit Display
  • GPS Plotting & Tracking
  • 32 Sensitivity Settings
  • Digital Leveling Meter
  • Digital Targeting Indicator
  • 3 Year Limited Warranty

We strongly encourage new operators to attend a factory training session in Green Bay, WI in order to fully understand the AML’s capabilities, limitations, and to learn and practice various operating techniques. Contact us for more information.


subsurface 3 year warranty

  • Laser Target Indicator - An easy-to-see laser indicator highlights the located object's position on the ground when it has been detected.
  • Scientific Instrument - The AML is a highly technical scientific instrument. To protect it, an impact resistant and water proof carrying case with a shock-absorbant foam housing protects your AML while in transit or on the job site.​
  • Ergonomic Handle - The AML PRO handle is designed to provide the user with a comfortable grip in any weather condition, ensuring an accurate reading when the fingers are placed along the knurls.
  • Powerful USB flexibility allows users to export GPS coordinates, import the latest firmware updates and connect to the auxiliary lithium battery source
  • Lightweight - The AML is constructed from lightweight, shock-resistant materials that make it easy to use and handle throughout the work day.
  • Headphone Jack - A convenient headphone jack allows the user to listen to audio signals with premium noise isolating headphones (included).


The key to how the AML detects PVC/PE pipes and to identifying the size or length of a pipe is to understand how its radio frequency detects buried plastic and other objects.

  1. Holding the AML’s handle parallel to the ground, scan the area of the suspected pipe or buried object until one or both of the AML’s target indicators activate.
  2. While the left or right target indicator is activated, rotate the AML until both LED target indicators light simultaneously, triggering the AML’s tone and laser marker. This alert indicates that the pipe or object has been detected and that the AML is now parallel with the underground object.
  3. With the AML in parallel with the pipe or underground object, you can now scan the entire length of the object’s edge. As an alternative, utilize the “W” method of scanning by sweeping the area in a back-and-forth “W” motion, marking the object’s location and run direction as it is tracked.


Physical Dimensions AML PRO
Height:   13 in. / 33.0cm 11 in. / 27.9cm
Length:   14 in. / 35.6cm 14 in. / 35.6cm
Width:   6 in. / 15.2cm 6 in. / 15.2cm
Weight:   2.5 lbs. / 1.13kg 2 lbs. / 0.90kg

Power Specifications
Batteries:   (3) 9-Volt Alkalines
Battery Packs:   2
Est. Alkaline Battery Life:   25 hours
min. life: 4 hours min. life: 5 hours
Auxiliary Lithium Battery Packs typical life: 80 hours typical life: 100 hours
min. life: 20+ hours min. life: 25+ hours
Transmitter Frequency 2.45 GHz 2.45 GHz


  • AML Pro locator
  • KOSS noise cancelling isolating headphones with carrying case
  • Heavy duty carrying case
  • Operators manual
  • Charging kit
    • 1x 9V battery pack (3 9V batteries)
    • 1x 2' USB Cable
    • 1x Cigarette USB Adapter
    • 1x 4 port USB charger
    • 1x portable USB charger


A white and blue Microdrone mdLiDAR1000HR aaS on a white background.

Microdrone mdLiDAR1000HR aaS

Microdrone MD Lidar 1000HR aaS

GE Industrial Drone Line – Proven industry leading drone lidar survey equipment and software. mdLiDAR1000HR: HR means high resolution pointclouds and increased coverage is made easier and more accessible than ever.  This is the UAV, hardware, software, workflow, training and support that surveying professionals need- now with convenient mdaaS plans!


mdLiDAR1000HR: HR means high resolution pointclouds and increased coverage is made easier and more accessible than ever. This is the UAV, hardware, software, workflow, training and support that surveying professionals need.

Who Should Consider This System:
Professionals responsible for geospatial data collection should consider mdLiDAR1000HR to support the following tasks.

  • Digital Twin Creation and Maintenance
  • Corridor mapping
  • Mining (volume calculation)
  • Construction site monitoring
  • Environmental changes (time series)
  • Forestry
  • Contour mapping
  • Planning, Leveling, Excavation
  • Archaeology and cultural heritage
  • Highway construction
  • Precision Agriculture

Corridor Mapping with the Microdrones MdMapper1000DG.

More information.


Improved image acquisition precisely configured to match 90 degree laser scanner field of view enables compatibility with streamlined point cloud colorization and FORMap data processing modules within the mdInfinity platform.

Microdrones has developed an end-to-end LiDAR solution combining a drone, a LiDAR payload, a fully integrated LiDAR processing and photogrammetry software workflow, and world class support to consistently provide quality deliverables.

mdLiDAR1000HR is a fully integrated system for producing 3D point clouds optimized for land surveying, construction, oil & gas and mining applications.

mdLidar1000HR with a 90 degree field of view for both scanned points and imagery, repeatedly provides a precision of 1.6 cm (.052 ft) at 1-σ when flown at 40 m (130 ft) at a speed of 8 m/s (18 mph).

Improved image acquisition precisely configured to match 90 degree laser scanner field of view enables compatibility with streamlined point cloud colorization and FORMap data processing modules within the mdInfinity platform.

Each LiDAR channel of the mdLiDAR1000HR was boresight calibrated to improve the data consistency, therefore providing a reduced Standard Measurement Uncertainty.



The mdLiDAR1000HR can help streamline your current workflow to become more efficient, while helping you to complete more projects.

Learn more about the benefits and challenges of investing in drone based LiDAR. Click here to review one of our FREE educational UAV LiDAR webinars. In this edition, you can learn how one of Microdrones customers saved over 50% compared to conventional survey methods by implementing a UAV with LiDAR.


  • Simple mission planning using mdCockpit
  • User selects flying height, drone speed and LiDAR strip overlap

  • Fully automated mission execution, realtime monitoring, and flight control using mdCockpit

  • Thorough georeferencing data processing using the Applanix APX-15 UAV DG and mdInfinity Software
  • Automated final point cloud processing using mdInfinity processing software

  • Final point cloud in standard ASPRS LAS format, View your deliverable in mdInfinity software, or export to use within any GIS or CAD software environment that you currently use.


Survey Equipment



Robust, powerful, stable and dependable. Build your business on this versatile platform, now with 10% increased motor efficiency as part of the GE Industrial line.

Charger & Flight Battery

One md4-1000 flight battery and charger for maximum flight endurance.

Rugged Carrying Case

Bring your Microdrones UAV to tackle missions in the toughest corners of the Earth.

LED Light Rings

Efficient LED light rings provide enhanced visibility in the sky, with configurable color schemes for compliance with your country’s requirements.

Integrated Cooling Covers

Patent Pending motor covers enhance cooling and motor longevity.

Mag-less Navigation

Drone navigation is more robust and less subject to magnetic field interference with no need for magnetometer during flight.



Encrypted Digital Data Link

Conveniently command and control your survey equipment using your tablet.

Encryption provides additional security for project and plan data.


Proven, professional controls and telemetry keep you in control when you need it most, using a second radio link.

Extended Communication Range Operation

Subject to local regulations, select markets include United States and China.

Multiple Tablet Control

(Optional, available upon request) Control the drone from multiple tablets. Take off from Point A with Tablet 1, control at Point B with Tablet 2, etc. Helpful for corridor and BVLOS applications.

Remote ID Enabled

Broadcast device enabled to comply with unmanned traffic management systems and remote ID requirements.




Fully Integrated High Resolution LiDAR & Camera

A lightweight, downward oriented LiDAR solution that efficiently scans up to a 90 degree field of view.

Applanix APX-15 UAV DG

Compact single-board module with survey-grade GNSS receiver and a precisely calibrated IMU for mapping.



mdCockpit Tablet Software

Simple swipes of the finger help you plan your survey area, monitor progress, and control your flight on your Android tablet.

Tap & Fly

Easy remote-free tablet flight execution.

Data Processing Modules

mdInfinity is a powerful ecosystem that will enable you to quickly and efficiently process geospatial data, with convenient payment options.  mdInfinity is available in online and desktop version.

All modules are compatible with mdLiDAR survey equipment.   Trajectory Processing and FORMap are compatible with mdMapper survey equipment.







  • LiDAR Sensor: Velodyne PUCK VLP-16
  • Camera Sensor: SONY IMX264
  • Georeferencing: APX-15 UAV


  • mdCockpit
  • mdInfinity


Takeoff Weight (TOW):


System Operation Temperature:

-10 °C to 50 °C
14 °F to 122 °F

System Accuracy

  • LiDAR Pointcloud
    • 4 cm RMSE
  • Photogrammetry:
    • Horizontal: 1 – 2 pixels
    • Vertical: 3 – 4 pixels

Information / Quote Request